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Fast Iterative Algorithms for the Tower of Hanoi Puzzle (mkolar.org)
9 points by kqr2 on June 22, 2009 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

Before reading, I thought they had found a faster sequence of disk transfers (stop the press etc) -- but it turns out the article is just about generating the same sequence of moves in less time, given the C compilers of late-90s workstations.

Highly unlikely to happen, since the upper bound corresponds to a well-known lower bound.

Yes, unless you find premises to drop, thus changing the problem. Sorting is Omega(n log n) under the premise that all you have is a computable ordering relation. Radix sort removes that premise and reaches a different lower bound.

In the particular case of the Hanoi problem, I don't see droppable premises (except "you can only move one disk at a time" -- drop that and there may be an O(1) solution).

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