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Of course there are substantial subsets of UK workers that "can" stick to 48 hour working hours, but where "everyone" know full well their career is fucked if you don't opt out.

Major law firms, for example, where the expected level of billable hours might eek in below an average of 48 hours, but given the amount of non-billable time, it's basically impossible to meet expectations and get promotions if you don't opt out, and you'll eventually find yourself sidetracked so thoroughly there's little reason to stay.

My ex works in one of those places - one of the magic circle law firms -, and she keeps fantasising about opting back in once she's set aside enough money that she can risk having legal career go down in flames.

I live in the UK too, and work in IT, and have never seen a contract that even mentions the working hour directive at all. If I did come across one, I'd probably laugh in their faces and leave, as it'd indicate bad things about the working environment to me.

At the moment I work strictly 9-5 due to childcare commitments (though I do occasionally have to handle emergencies from home). As in, I leave between 5pm and 5.04pm or so, every day.

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