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This is a problem in computational electrophysiology as well. There are a lot of typos and other simple mistakes in classic papers. Say you want to implement a finite differences model for a certain type of voltage-gated potassium channel. If you go back to the original paper it's not uncommon to find minus-signs omitted, parentheses placed improperly or other unfortunate bugs. It can take a lot of head scratching and wasted time to get to the point that you can reproduce the figures from the paper!

Granted when something has been in the literature for a long time, the derivative papers and popular implementations (in eg Neuron) are usually right, but there is rarely anything in the scholarly record that documents these errors. It's all tribal-knowldege and side-channels.

Ugh, that sounds terrible. During a previous internship at a HPC company[0] I implemented a computational electrodynamics FDTD algorithm as given in the Taflove book[1], and I made more than enough errors even without the book containing mistakes! Two fields, each with three components and subtly different equations for all. What a nightmare. Especially since it's impossible to tell what is wrong when watching the EM wave propagate in an impossible oblong fashion during your simulation.

[0] http://www.acceleware.com/

[1] http://www.amazon.ca/Computational-Electrodynamics-Finite-Di...

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