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> a very small number of bad eggs

Even if there are a lot of bad eggs and hype and bullshit, you have to ask yourself what the alternative is. The non-science-based existence we suffered through for millennia? I think not. Excuse us for trying to cure cancer and failing less than 100% of the time.

Part of the reason there is so much hype and bullshit is because, if we weren't cramming it down everyones throats for the 30 seconds they'll pay attention, there would be no money funding science and we'd still be living in our own filth and praying to god that the plague stops.

Excuse us for trying to cure cancer

That's a total misrepresentation of the complaint. The complaint is that claiming to cure cancer or being close to curing cancer to get some funding hurts the credibility of Science as an institution.

Part of the reason there is so much hype and bullshit is because

How will training the public that Scientists are money-grubbing hucksters who are full of crap help the matter any?

A lack of humility and self-criticism is a huge problem in any discipline, especially one that claims to be the best way to learn the "truth".

How will training the public that Scientists are money-grubbing hucksters who are full of crap help the matter any?

Also: It just might teach the public to actually take agency over who gets funded and encourage them to decide for themselves who is or isn't a huckster.

Incidentially, I am trying to cure cancer, and I've set up a nonprofit to do so... And am considering writing an piece explaining why you shouldn't donate to me. (if you can't take the risk of failure, etc.) What do you think? Although I'm being genuine, is it too humblebraggey?

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