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One may have heard the medicinal properties of cow urine: http://www.gomataseva.org/pure-cow-products/gomutra-cowurine

The advantages of Gomutra are: It works as antibacterial agent Boosts the immunity of the body Useful for heart patients and obesity Lowers cholesterol levels Reduces fats Improves brain power Repairs and regenerates damaged tissues and cells Cures children’s cough and other diseases Increases life span and purifies the blood.

I'm not endorsing this. Just pointing out that Eastern medicine have promoted many questionable items like this and others.

More recently a well known spiritual organization started selling sakthi drop - a cure for all medicine too. http://artoflivingupdates.artoflivinguniverse.org/2011/11/ne....

And there is no limit of mantras and yanthras on the market for the believers.

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