You somehow forget that less than 20% of Americans live, or are born into poverty. With 20% of Forbes list having poverty background, this kind of, means that if you are poor in childhood, you have higher chances to get to Forbes list than if you are middle (well, really middle) class. Hard to explain.
Maybe because poor have nothing to lose so they are more prone to risky things that stand at the root of their business? Or reverse, they have medicaid so can afford more risk being less dependent on employers paying for their health insurance?
I think i understood why is this. Middle class kids are usually taught by their parents to obey the rules, learn and work hard and be loyal. Which is a way to keep in the middle class but hardly a way get to upper class. Most poor kids are probably not taught by their parents anything because parents are busy drinking and smoking pot, except the very valuable teaching of not trusting anyone at all.
Maybe because poor have nothing to lose so they are more prone to risky things that stand at the root of their business? Or reverse, they have medicaid so can afford more risk being less dependent on employers paying for their health insurance?