About "optimization", Gates likely had
a point. That problem of assigning
code blocks (subroutines/functions) to
memory segments
does suggest a
significant role for optimization.
What is optimization? For a very
sparse description,
for the set R
of real numbers,
positive integers
m and n, functions f: R^n --> R
and g: R^n --> R^m, find x in R^n
to solve
minimize f(x)
subject to
g(x) >= 0
So, set up a mathematical description
of the problem based mostly just on the
'cost' function f, that is, what want
to minimize, and 'constraints' g
that keep the solution 'feasible', that is,
realistic for the real problem. Then look
for a solution x. Yes, easily enough such
problems can be in NP-complete and
still difficult otherwise.
Likely what Gates wanted was function f
to be the execution time and function
g to force honoring the 64KB limit per segment,
Then a big question would be, assuming
what software to have its segments
So, for an answer, just take some
Windows and/or Office code and
get the total execution time on
a typical workload.
Might also want to be sure that
on any of several workloads, the
optimal solution was no worse than
some factor p in R of the best
solution just for that workload.
Then keep lowering p until the
f(x) starts to rise significantly
and come up with a curve of f(x)
as a function of p. Present the
curve to Gates and have him pick
a point.
Gee, should we rule out having
the same subroutine/function in more than
one segment? Hmm ....
Just where Gates learned about optimization
would be a question, but he had a point.
What is optimization? For a very sparse description, for the set R of real numbers, positive integers m and n, functions f: R^n --> R and g: R^n --> R^m, find x in R^n to solve
minimize f(x)
subject to
g(x) >= 0
So, set up a mathematical description of the problem based mostly just on the 'cost' function f, that is, what want to minimize, and 'constraints' g that keep the solution 'feasible', that is, realistic for the real problem. Then look for a solution x. Yes, easily enough such problems can be in NP-complete and still difficult otherwise.
Likely what Gates wanted was function f to be the execution time and function g to force honoring the 64KB limit per segment, etc.
Then a big question would be, assuming what software to have its segments assigned?
So, for an answer, just take some Windows and/or Office code and get the total execution time on a typical workload.
Might also want to be sure that on any of several workloads, the optimal solution was no worse than some factor p in R of the best solution just for that workload. Then keep lowering p until the f(x) starts to rise significantly and come up with a curve of f(x) as a function of p. Present the curve to Gates and have him pick a point.
Gee, should we rule out having the same subroutine/function in more than one segment? Hmm ....
Just where Gates learned about optimization would be a question, but he had a point.