How many of you are actually handling big Java projects ? Mine is not that big but big enough to have 15 sub projects, 200 dependencies, 5 people for maintenance, batch, GUI, JEE stuff. The only thing I can say is taht although Java is nice, the maven, release mgmt, spring stuff it needs to be actually manageable is absolutely enormous (the question is, how would I manage that in another language ?). Contrast that with interpreted/dynamic languages... No type safety ? But I don't have to wait 3 minutes 30x a day for my build to complete in order to check that my code is actually running... So well, there's room for compromise.
For me the tru force and problem with the java ecosystem is that it allows to separate concerns in the enterprise : a team to provide some Eclipse plugins, a team to handle release management, a team to deploy thnig on servers, a team for development, etc.
For me the tru force and problem with the java ecosystem is that it allows to separate concerns in the enterprise : a team to provide some Eclipse plugins, a team to handle release management, a team to deploy thnig on servers, a team for development, etc.