As someone working on a PhD in chemical engineering, I feel somewhat qualified to make a grandiose claim: the difference between microwaved water and unmicrowaved water is that one of them is hot.
WTH, it says - "It has been known for some years that the problem with microwaved anything is not the radiation people used to worry about, it’s how it corrupts the DNA in the food so the body can not recognize it."
Is this legit? How can microwaves cause DNA mutation? This post also says "Minerals are altered"... I would seriously like to know how microwaves alter minerals.
The experiment is with water that may have lost minerals due to overheating - and then this post goes on to generalize about DNA in the food.
So, why exactly do I want my body to care about DNA of something I'm eating?
It's not like I'm expecting a symbiont, I just want it broken to very small pieces for further processing.