As a Spaniard living in Chicago, I can't stress enough how AWESOME it is to have the time zone we have in Spain and how much I HATE when Sun sets at 4:30 PM in Winter in Chicago, despite being at comparable latitudes. All my Spanish friends here agree with me, if it was up to us we'd change Chicago's timezone to EST! And also for the other side, sun setting at 10 PM in Summer is Happiness with a capital H. Go ask German or British summer tourists, go ask them :)
If that was true that Spaniards are less productive and constantly tired (which is not, as many of HNers have pointed out) it is not because of the time zone. It's simply because of the toxic work culture that exists in most places, more oriented towards "appearance" of working hard, and that means long hours more than plain simple productivity.
Again, don't get the wrong picture. Most companies in Spain do not have siesta, do not stop three hours for lunch, though 45 min-1 hour is usually the norm and I find it better than having lunch at the desk US-style. The problem is that working from 9 AM to 7 PM is the . If you don't do that, even if you're a top performer, you'd be suggested to "improve yourself", simply because people are envious of your sane working hours. So they say, envy is Spain's national sin.
This is the real problem. The only way to cope with that is having a job you like. My week is by contract 40 hours long, but I do at least 45 and 50 is not uncommon either.
If that was true that Spaniards are less productive and constantly tired (which is not, as many of HNers have pointed out) it is not because of the time zone. It's simply because of the toxic work culture that exists in most places, more oriented towards "appearance" of working hard, and that means long hours more than plain simple productivity.
Again, don't get the wrong picture. Most companies in Spain do not have siesta, do not stop three hours for lunch, though 45 min-1 hour is usually the norm and I find it better than having lunch at the desk US-style. The problem is that working from 9 AM to 7 PM is the . If you don't do that, even if you're a top performer, you'd be suggested to "improve yourself", simply because people are envious of your sane working hours. So they say, envy is Spain's national sin.