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This is completely untrue.

Every single Java developer that I introduce to Scala-- every single one-- six months later, they tell me "please don't make me go back to Java".

The "disenchanted" piece, I think, comes from the fact that if you're just writing Java-OO-style in Scala, you're losing almost all the benefits. Once you start working with the FP style, understanding Options, working with fold, list comprehensions, and the resulting massive reduction in lines of code, you start seeing how FP Scala code becomes the last refactoring you'll ever need to do, because it's so concise.

Depends on how "clever" the people using Scala were trying to be. obligatory: http://parleys.com/play/51c1ffe7e4b0d38b54f46231

Wow, I had no idea that Scala is already ten years old.

I have some guys you might want to teach.

Given the skills we get on some of our teams, I fear they won't even manage to move to Java 8!

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