>>Justin fed the man pomegranates until he fell victim to an overstuffed slumber. He created some lemonade, which the man then poured down his gullet -- level complete! Randy created a coffee shop. It appeared, the man ordered a cup o' joe at the carry-out window, drank it -- level complete!
I'm very interested about the freshness. Speculation: did they take a load of probable phrases from the dictionary and describe how each will function in the level? If the objects are to interact with each other at all, the data necessary seems to grow too quickly. So, I'd like to see how (and to what degree) they were able to describe this much of the real world.
My understanding is that you can create any object in the database at any time, that the objects interact with each other according to general rules, and that they have on the order of 10,000 objects.
But the example you gave...it sounds like all you need to do is give the guy something to drink. It's nice that you can do that with lemonade or water or a coffee shop, but I don't think it will be fun if it's not challenging, and that doesn't sound challenging.
I'm very interested about the freshness. Speculation: did they take a load of probable phrases from the dictionary and describe how each will function in the level? If the objects are to interact with each other at all, the data necessary seems to grow too quickly. So, I'd like to see how (and to what degree) they were able to describe this much of the real world.