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StumbleUpon acquires a Montreal startup, 5by (techcrunch.com)
2 points by vecinu on Sept 24, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment


A decade old company (founded in 2001) StumbleUpon has made its first acquisition ever since its inception.

Purchased by eBay in 2007 [1] and then sold to its founders in 2009, StumbleUpon has continued to have stable growth over the past few years barring the lay-offs they had at the beginning of this year. [2]

StumbleUpon earns revenue by using native advertising on their platform called Paid Discovery [3]. Ads are not served through traditional means, rather users will sometimes stumble on a paid stumble and fully engage with that page.

This is also a company that was founded by Garrett Camp, founder of Uber and Blackjet. It seems they have a pretty good sense of direction just like Garrett's other startups.

[1] - http://investor.ebay.com/releasedetail.cfm?releaseid=246467

[2] - http://techcrunch.com/2013/01/16/stumbleupon-layoffs-reorgan...

[3] - http://www.pagemodo.com/blog/driving-traffic-stumbleupon-pai...

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