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Bing challenges Google (discoverbing.com)
15 points by niyazpk on June 5, 2009 | hide | past | favorite | 18 comments

That's not a challenge. A challenge can be easily tested.

But bing failed, anyway. I searched for chinese restaurants in my local language, and Google gave me a page full of relevant links, Bing gave me a mixed bag of, a few relevant but mostly irrelevant.

This, obviously, is because Google correctly identifed my locale, while Bing took fact that I want my browser in english for proof that I only eat out in London.

Yeah and bing also fails miserably looking for digital cameras, giving top two completely irrelevant non-english results by default (japanese and greek sites)

I mean, for a pre-populated set of queries I'd expect them to blow google out of the water, not be worse.


It seems Bing is still Live Search on most countries. You have to click on your country name and chose United States to get the full interface.

Kinda sucks

google was able to figure out exactly which city i am in, bing was not.

I believe that some of the non-US stuff is not entirely done. In the US, it works great.

They picked a layout that would encourage people to only compare the first result or two.

Side-by-side would be a more useful layout for comparison.

They call it a side-by-side comparison of the results.. that at least would make sense. These windows are too small to make doing a comparison easy and it's one on top of the other..

Really useful website this, unless you're able to open 2 tabs in a browser yourself.

At least Bing/MS is still trying to compete in the search game, Yahoo has pretty much given up.

This might be effective if Bing gave better results. It doesn't. I'm pretty much consistently getting worse results from Bing for any search I do, and the harder the search is, the more obviously Bing fails (Cuil level of bizarreness in some cases). Google isn't as good as I'd like...it can't read my mind, for example, though I guess that'd be a mixed blessing, since they already know way too much about me. But Bing is consistently worse. I did some side-by-sides with Yahoo, too, and Yahoo does almost as well as Google. Bing consistently doesn't.

Bing is a lot better compared to Live Search in terms of precision of the results. But its not closer to google still.

yes i remember laughing when the xbox came up thinking they were never gonna come close to nes or sony, these guys know how to build great products not all of them are but once in a while they nail it

I searched for Microsoft and google gave me what I think are better results, kind of bad, especially that I get 3 sponsored sites not related to microsoft at all with bing.

also, you can't see well the google result, you have to scroll. This seems biased.

So this is where those $100M in propaganda were spent.

Payperpost galore.

Haha! Cute.

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