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Ask HN: Does anyone want to hire CCIEs for partime?
2 points by cciehelp on Sept 24, 2013 | hide | past | favorite
Whoever wants a network infrastructure to be built/looked after or a network problem to be fixed, please spend 1 minute to read my proposal:

We have couple of CCIEs working in big enterprise/ISP environment for big companies. Resolving complicated network issues quickly is our daily job. We've seen all kinds of networks and know their problems. We understand network designs better than architects who only do network design works. Working for big company is boring, but we need it for our job security. We are thinking about a more productive way to spend our skills, without leaving current jobs: Part Time Freelancing!

So, here’s the proposition:.

We can support your network remotely, how? think about how the famous Cisco TAC works. We can be better and more dedicated than Cisco TAC. I’ve been worked a lot with Cisco TAC and I know they constantly fail my expectation because of lack of dedication to one customer, also because of the ever stopping new hiring.

We are CCIEs but our knowledge is not limited to Cisco like Cisco TAC does, to handle our customer issues daily requires us to be familiar with different vendors too. We know quite a lot about networks, and we are honest about things we know and things we don't know.

For a start-up company, why hire a network professional sitting around when you only need him couple of days a month? Why let yourself be bound to complicated service contracts from big companies.

Let's find out if you can have better support from us.

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