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That natural discourse for cyber bulling is to block those who continuously berate you online. If that's not an option, seek out an authority at your school or consider abandoning whichever mediums they're targeting. Bullying sucks though, sometimes the only solution is to wait it out and suffer through as little as possible of it.

> That being said, I think Louis CK's more important point is his latter one, that many people are becoming too dependent on their phones to fill the silence or quiet times in their day-to-day.

I respectfully disagree. If you ask your parents what they used to do when they had free time (silence, quiet time, whatever) they wouldn't tell you that they did some introspection. They'd say they went outside and climbed trees, they read a book or tried a puzzle, watched television and maybe even napped. The only reason children love to be on their phones more than those things previously mentioned, is because of how quickly stimulating a phone is. Complex and HD games, the sum of the worlds knowledge in a glowing rectangle, and instant communication with all of their friends.

The older crowd just doesn't think it's natural. I don't blame them because frankly it does look a bit disturbing when you see a crowd of people glaring straight down into their phone when life is occurring all around them.

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