the only other caution i'd give anyone contemplating this regards quality control - you can't always count on the manufacturer to make sure everything is ok before they ship to amazon for instance, i'd recommend supervising the manufacturing process if you can, i met a photographer who had a large run of art books printed in the far east, he basically slept in the factory during the print run, every 2-4 hours they would wake him and he'd check the printing - it was a few days or a few weeks for the whole job 24/7
or i guess have an agreement with the printer that they will reprint and ship any defective items at their own cost.
the only other caution i'd give anyone contemplating this regards quality control - you can't always count on the manufacturer to make sure everything is ok before they ship to amazon for instance, i'd recommend supervising the manufacturing process if you can, i met a photographer who had a large run of art books printed in the far east, he basically slept in the factory during the print run, every 2-4 hours they would wake him and he'd check the printing - it was a few days or a few weeks for the whole job 24/7
or i guess have an agreement with the printer that they will reprint and ship any defective items at their own cost.