Or if you are left-handed. I like the looks I get, but writing left-handed just isn't fun. Everything, from the way English is written to how notebooks are constructed, is designed around writing right-handed.
Play around with some different pens until you find one you enjoy writing with. Play around with some different notebooks/papers until you find one of those you enjoy too. It can be harder for us lefties to have fun, but it's only impossible if you've given up my friend.
I'm not left handed, and have never tried this, but you might take notes in mirrored writing, like Da Vinci did, and then flip the image when you scan it. Learning shorthand might also help.
I'm left handed. I've tried mirror writing and I was amazed at how easily and quickly I picked it up. The problem is that _reading_ mirrored writing is a lot harder, especially cursive writing. It's difficult to stop interpreting the shapes from left to right, it's hard to see where a letter starts and ends. You have to completely relearn whole-word reading, from the level of a 5 year old, it feels like.
One benefit of the mirror writing is that my regular writing looks better. I'm paying more attention to the shapes I make while writing (as a sort of low-priority, automatic background task).
I think the sped-up version of this video masks how much time this takes to get this thing up and running, and how error prone it is.
Also, if you have terribly messy, atrophied handwriting skills like me, you are going to have a bad time.