How about the math of supply and demand? Oil dominates because it's cheap & efficient. When it's not, other existing but relatively uncompetitive energy systems will become viable within a sensibly short time purely as a matter of demand & competition. Remember, oil (as we're speaking of it) was practically nonexistent not all that long ago, yet a vast robust infrastructure has sprung up around it.
Keep lofty-goal government subsidies out of it, as they distort the reality of what's viable, boosting lesser technologies while denying funds to what really will work as a matter of economics & physics.
In the meantime, put some of your own energy & money into getting "off the grid": make an alternative energy source viable by actually making it happen on a personal scale, not just hoping somebody somewhere will make it happen the way you want it to.
Keep lofty-goal government subsidies out of it, as they distort the reality of what's viable, boosting lesser technologies while denying funds to what really will work as a matter of economics & physics.
In the meantime, put some of your own energy & money into getting "off the grid": make an alternative energy source viable by actually making it happen on a personal scale, not just hoping somebody somewhere will make it happen the way you want it to.