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I'd suggest a offering a significant reward for information leading to the return of the laptop. This signifies that it's a matter that you take seriously, without claiming responsibility for protecting others' property. Choose an amount that is comparable to the street value of the laptop. Take up a collection to pay it if ends up being paid.

This motivates anyone who has suspicions or inside information to come forward. If it's a theft by a student, it's quite possible that someone besides the thief knows what happened, but doesn't want to appear 'uncool' by expressing their disgust. A monetary reward may overcome this, and potentially makes them into a hero rather than a coward.

I would not offer any sort of amnesty or no-questions-asked policy. If you end up finding the thief, prosecute them. If someone claims to have 'found' the laptop in the the bushes, seems very interested in the reward, and you are suspicious, turn the matter over to the police and let them decide if the story holds up.

Specifically, I don't think you should offer warnings to others to take greater steps to protect their property. This has the appearance of blaming the victim, and potentially helps the thief (and potential friends) justify their actions to themselves as something the victim deserved for their negligence. Making it known the crime occurred is sufficient warning. It's in each individual's interest to protect their personal property, but not in the group's interest to create a 'fend for yourself' attitude.

Reward sounds like a good idea. If you're planning to pay for the laptop you'll be spending the money anyways. This way you might catch the thief as well.

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