Call me when we stop sending drones to kill school children on their way to school.
Also, we have indefinite detention without trail. Guantanamo .
North Korea is a result of American Empire( Korean War). They are not going to disarm and be foolish like Libya ( who was silly enough to sign away its nuclear program)
Not that I expect to change anyone's world views with a comment, but for the sake of those who are simply curious: The North Korean regime is the brainchild of Stalin, whose one consistent foreign policy was to set up satellite regimes in all states bordering the Soviet Union. After the liberation of Korea, the Soviets who occupied the northern half of the country drove out the people's committees that had been set up by Koreans in Pyongyang and other cities, refused to let the Koreans under their rule participate in the U.N.-mandated elections, and set about installing a puppet regime headed by Kim Il Sung, a major in the Soviet Red Army who didn't even speak fluent Korean at the time. It was North Korea's invasion of the South that sparked the Korean War, and without the involvement of U.N. forces led by the Americans, all of the Korean peninsula would have come under Kim's rule. Now, there is an argument to be made that facing the military might and carpet bombing by the U.S. became a defining experience and national mythology for North Korea, leading to their extreme bunker mentality, but if North Korea can be blamed on an empire, it is only the Soviet one.
The United States has the highest incarceration rate in the world. A large, large, large portion of inmates are due to the War on Drugs, which is obviously very political. Not to mention the disproportionate imprisonment of minorities...
That's probably because the DPRK doesn't release reliable stats.
Also, while you may get indeed thrown in jail for drug possession in the US, in North Korea you, your wife, your parents and your children would end up in labor camp, eating undigested corn kernels out of pig shit and dying of starvation or dysentery in a few years.
Erm, parent didn't originally compare US to DPRK. That honor goes to the top post.
Anyways, which country would the poster want to live in: the DPRK, or the USA? We are lucky enough to vote with our feet (well, in the USA we can); some Europeans even...gasp...come to the great USA sh*thole to live/work and actually...really not kidding...enjoy it enough not to leave. We aren't even kidnapping them...they pay for the airfares themselves!
I was making a point about the U.S. per capita incarceration rate. Shown here on Wikipedia page: It is dismal and countering with North Korea's injustice system being hypothetically worse doesn't make it better.
So America has its problems, we can list them out and maybe deal with them (or not) depending on how people feel about them (e.g. we have a functioning political system).
DPRK has even bigger problems. Any fixes will be hard in coming, and will probably be painful when they do. Its a whole different "screwed up" from how the Europeans think the USA is "screwed up."
Yes, it's well known that entire families are punished for the "crimes" of a individual. There was an article a while back that tells the story of a child that was actually born in prison and who eventually escapes NK. Chilling story.
As for eating corn out of pig shit, it's not that much of a stretch. During the last famine, eating grass was commonplace.
Not to mention a recent story where Kim Jong Un had his ex-girlfriend and colleagues shot, then had their families shipped off to a prison camp. Wow, no wonder Dennis Rodman likes hanging with that guy.
> North Korea is a result of American Empire( Korean War)
It's a good thing you posted this from the US and not the DPRK. Don't think you'd fare as well over there (assuming you could smuggle in a cell phone with a data plan).
North Korea is a result of American Empire( Korean War). They are not going to disarm and be foolish like Libya ( who was silly enough to sign away its nuclear program)