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Fedora 20 Will Be Named Heisenbug (softpedia.com)
34 points by hanuca on Sept 3, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 17 comments

An improvement over "Beefy Miracle".

If there's something I love about Fedora is it's names... not sure what was wrong with "Beefy Miracle", honestly, I liked that one too.

I was really hoping this was a "Breaking Bad" reference (Walter "Heisenberg" White and his fedora).

Walter White wears a pork pie hat, not a fedora.

Well, it's a reference to Werner Heisenberg's principle, which is what is (I believe) referred to by Breaking Bad's Heisenberg, so they're sort of reference siblings!

I was actually hoping to see it called "Santa Claus" :))

Now that we know its name variable, we can have no idea when it will be released.

This should be subtitled: "why you should name your own releases".

I hate code names, they are meant for the developers but still get used after release. Then you get support calls from people saying "Oh, yes I've got that Lion computer."

Stick with a simple number, people generally can count and know how old something is by its number. Who knows (without looking it up) how old Oneiric Ocelot is?

Fedora chooses silly names on purpose so that people outside of the development team don't refer to them.

That said, I actually prefer code names. I know my desktop computer is running Lion, and my laptop is running Ubuntu Quantum something (I just looked it up, Quantal Quetzal, but really I only need to know the first letter, because Ubuntu releases are alphabetic.) I have no clue what version number I am using (I guess it is OSX 10.7.something, and something between Ubuntu 11.10 and 13.04).

(I also don't know what CentOS version I am using at work, because it's really hard to find out (stashed in some file in /etc, of which I don't know if it is up-to-date or leftover from a previous installation), but it's something ancient.)

By the way, this was the original announcement: https://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/announce/2013-Sept...

I love how "20" only got 1 vote;)

Are they certain?

Yes, but they have no idea where the release is, or when it will happen.

We should send the dev team a hungry Leopard in a box :).

Heisenbug is a kind of bug that exists and doesnt exist at the same time. Morever, the moment you think you caught it - it slips out from your fingers.

Interesting choice of name for an operating system.

We should stop linking to Softpedia. It's a spammy site that mirrors tons of software projects (e.g., most if not all new releases on PyPI) unofficially in order to serve ads.

Aw, I wanted it to be "Geometric Troglodyte."

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