Hey guys, I recently built a small posting site and put it up on a previously used url that I had to test it. Within a few hours I had dozens of spam posts. So I installed reCaptcha and tested it (to make sure it was working) and then cleaned all the spam out.
But even with reCaptcha installed, I am still getting dozens of spam posts a day still. Is there a better solution? I have looked into akismet and mollom but I am not wanting to subject post content to third parties. Is there a better captcha system?
I also have included a form field hidden from the user to catch bots but I do not think it is very effective.
Thanks for the help
1) The form was recently submitted (i.e. you cannot submit forms from two hours ago). Done well with another approach I take, this also catches bots that try to resubmit already cracked form instances. This is a bigger issue than you might give it credit for. Often they will crack a form instance by hand and then submit variations of fields they care to spam in programatically. Crack once by hand, submit spam 10000 times automatically therafter.
2) That the delta between receiving the form submission and when it was generated is greater than how long the fastest human would take.
It has a throttling effect to spamming (if nothing else), in addition to preventing most programatic spam. It is also nice that it does not depend on client-side javascript that can be tampered with. Used in combination with some other approaches, I have several sites that serve millions of users a year that all but remove the need for captchas (contact me if you are interested).