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US gov’t: Snowden also took secret docs while working at Dell in April 2012 (arstechnica.com)
7 points by at-fates-hands on Aug 20, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

So the government should have had a year to catch him before he went AWOL to HK? Holy Cr*p! Please, please, please... when do they learn to shut up?

Why does Dell, a hardware manufacturer, have a relationship with the NSA?

And this claim, assuming it's true, is important enough or interesting enough to spread because .... ?

At the very least it will demonstrate that leaks of secret government information will not be pursued vigorously by the administration when it helps rather than hurts them.

Last night in the thread on Groklaw shuttering due to pj not liking her personal life being burrowed through I made a comment asking people to distance themselves from companies involved NSA related activities if they are not willing to make firm demands of their employers. Enabling the works that the US government/NSA pay for services on while bringing home a paycheck is indeed being complicit once made aware of the activity of your employer.

Due to my inclusion of the name "Dell" I was accused of thinking that "the entire info-tech infrastructure, companies and "wage-slaves" alike are complicit in all this.[1]" Even though I never mentioned "wage slaves."

Well, the user wasn't aware of Snowden obtaining NSA documents while there, he just needed to be alerted of the information. But before that time the response I received was "Dell? A computer hardware device assembler? What on earth are you on about.[1]"

I imagine now the question that user is asking is "Dell? A computer hardware device assembler? What on earth is the NSA's involvement with them and why does Dell's employees have access to volumes of sensitive data?"

It is important enough simply because it is.

[1] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=6242740

Ah, yes. I thought the intent was to spread rumors about what Snoden might have done while working for Dell, and was oblivious to the elephant question of why Dell might have had that information in the first place.

Thanks for clearing things up.

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