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Get skills. Be awesome. DIY for kids (diy.org)
12 points by danboarder on Aug 20, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

Load the page...

Do I click the button in the middle? (Nope.. just refreshes the background)

Ok.. Click Explore

Lots of images appear, still not sure what the sites all about

ok then.. click join. you want me to make an account? I dont even know what the site does yet

For rather curious kids, most probably. You seem to think way in the box. How come you don't even try another hexagon when one is already highlighted?

And this is on the top of the Explore page you just clicked: "Welcome to DIY! Do challenges, share what you make, and earn Skill patches!"

A lot of kids sites have more 'visual' interfaces that encourage exploration. If you want a traditional menu, it's there too lower in the page. This is a good place to start: https://diy.org/skills

This is absolutely fantastic, I wish I had kids to use it.

Beautifully designed and such an awesome product (seriously, props guys)

That is one good looking landing page. Fantastic job!

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