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As a dad Of 5 years old boy all I can say is thank you. He loves playing lego with me, and video games too.

A friend of mine with two boys close to mine did this for his kids: He would go one day earlier to some close hike trail or peak, and would put some coins in the ground, different places, etc. The next day he would go with the boys with a pirate map looking for the treasure.

Boys (and could be girls too) love these things. My son for example can get completely concentrated when comes to fishing (even if it's with some made up rod, and fake stuff in there). Last time we went to lake Casitas (California). He was hooked (unlike for him) for an hour doing his fishing.

I have a 5-year old too, and he loves LEGO and Video Games too. What video games do you two like? He LOVES the LEGO Batman game, but my wife is concerned about the LEGO guns.

The other day we played Minecraft on the iPad together and he built a house, two beds, and put two signs over the beds. One for himself (he typed his name all by himself) and one for me (he needed help to find the "p" in "Papa.")

My wife and I (no kids) enjoy the LEGO Harry Potter games - wands instead of guns, and as far as I remember, when you fight enemy humans, you don't "kill" them, they just teleport away.

Most of the LEGO series of games are similar - LOTR has swords and bows & arrows; Pirates has swords and muskets (and in sword fights, IIRC, enemies fall down and break apart when they "die"); and Star Wars games have blasters and light sabers.

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