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Thanks. I've read The Goal.

My point is that Chrysler itself was recently sold for less than $10 billion. Maybe Cerberus bought because they knew about this code that was written in a day and now they are going to turn them into a $50 billion dollar software company?

Look out SAP & Oracle...

Ok, well then your question is even easier to answer if you know that data tracking is serious business in manufacturing.

From the article: "Did you know that there is an IT breakthrough hidden inside of Chrysler that in the right hands could be worth 50 billion dollars or more?"

In other words all he's saying is exactly what I replied to your post: that data collection and tracking (not just for Crystler but as a standalone product) is worth a lot of money. He's not saying that Chrysler could or would sell this - in fact that's kind of the point of the post.

I see your point, but the title of the article is "Chrysler, Want To Make an Extra 50 Billion?"

My point is that if it was written by some dude in a day, it's not going to make anyone $50 billion, especially Chrysler.

Well, the project took 1 month by two guys, so we can assume it was non-trivial.

As a personal note, I've got a couple of years in manufacturing, with much of that in automotive. The amount of stupidity that goes on in that industry is shocking. It doesn't surprise me at all that a couple of smart guys were able to build something like this. It surprises me that Chrysler was actually able to get a couple of smart guys to work for them.

yes...that's probably the most confusing part of the article. :)

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