Whenever I see posts about voice controlling your computer, I spontaneously think "thank the heavens I don't have to share an office with you." I realize some people work alone, at home or in a sound proof office, but every work environment I've worked in has had a shared acoustic space.
These voice control schemes almost always end up as a cool gimmick, and rarely as a productivity boosting solution.
Because you're thinking about it wrong. Together with HUD, it will be a godsend for anybody who needs to have hands free and yet work with a computer. And if the microphone is close enough your mouth, you won't have to talk loudly to it.
For example, I could go to tend garden and yet think about some problem, take notes, even code. Or check email, browse internet. I can work on hardware thing and have schematics or specifications appear in front of my eyes. I can have a walk and take notes. I can eat while working.
Eventually, no office will be required. You can just stroll in the park and get the work done.
None of those usecases seem like something I would find useful, and talking with my mouth full doesn't seem convenient, I'm guessing your recognition ratio would go way down.
These voice control schemes almost always end up as a cool gimmick, and rarely as a productivity boosting solution.