Yay #1: a nice wrapper around NLTK. NLTK is great but its API is not very Pythonic or comfortable. Pleasant facades over it are a great help for Python NLP.
Yay #2: an actually interesting programming-related article on HN. These get rarer every day, losing their place to gossips about what Snowden remarked following some or another NSA official's remarks about Snowden's even earlier remarks.
On the one hand, I agree with your yay #2(and your yay#1, of course. TextBlob looks great). I think you're right. I have many venues to discuss NSA issues and few venues to discuss startup/programming stuff. I like having a venue that is typically devoted to such stuff.
On the other hand, I'm not sure that saying "this isn't about Snowden" on tech-related articles that don't involve Snowden is the solution. Why bring him into the conversation when we're talking about Python?
> Why bring him into the conversation when we're talking about Python?
Just as words of encouragement for more programming-related content. I'm venting off steam, really. In the past few weeks I've been spending more time on /r/programming than on HN, something I could not imagine a year ago.
I've been doing the exact same thing, and I empathize with you. I'm still just wary of comments like this because I could imagine them taking over otherwise useful tech discussions.
Honestly it's frustrating to me that a meta-discussion like this is necessary here. I think you're right, I just wish I didn't have to say it.
I would be visiting lobsters if it wasn't invite-only, I am not convinced that a system like that guarantees quality content over something more elegant like weighted votes.
Yay #2: an actually interesting programming-related article on HN. These get rarer every day, losing their place to gossips about what Snowden remarked following some or another NSA official's remarks about Snowden's even earlier remarks.