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Bay Area hackers: be prepared for the inevitable earthquake (usgs.gov)
1 point by mechanical_fish on Oct 2, 2007 | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment

I used to live less than a few hundred feet from the Hayward Fault in Fremont. Then I solved my earthquake problem by moving to Boston.

However, I was listening to a podcast of Mark and Mary Lou Zoback (the cheerful geologists of doom) giving a lecture at Stanford, and I was suddenly reminded that I know a lot of friends, colleagues, and websites that still live in the Bay Area, and it would be a terrible shame to lose any of them to collapsing bookshelves, cheap apartments, lack of fresh water, or week-long communication outages.

(You can find the podcasted lecture on the Stanford section of the iTunes store for free, if you search hard enough; a writeup of it is here: http://daily.stanford.edu/article/2006/4/17/quakeCentennialT... )

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