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It worked, didn't it?

Not really; The development time seems to be getting longer. Quake/Doom 1 took a ~year. Doom 3 was 3 years, and now Rage the latest title took 7 (!) years.

I am not entirely sure how good Carmack was for the company—the tech engine yes, as the director of a corporation, not so sure.

Agreed. It's obvious now that losing Romero was a tremendous blow to the company, creatively.

(Was not obvious back when it happened though, at least not to me.)

And look at the scope.

What do you mean? All their games were aimed for the same ~12 hour play duration. Rage was no exception.

The amount of content you have to produce for 12 hours of Rage is much greater than for 12 hours of Doom

Right, but look at the team size as that happened. I'd posit that moving away from the team structure he advocated is part of the cause of those delays.

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