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8 week iOS Bootcamp in Seattle Guarantees $60k job offer (codefellows.org)
11 points by mikeyanderson on July 30, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 8 comments

Looks great. Not sure how they 'guarantee a $60k job offer or we'll refund your tuition' but either way, it's nice to see an iOS bootcamp in Seattle like this.

Code Fellows works with each student to get their skills to the level of being hire-able, and then works with partner companies to place them. If for some reason a student tries and can't get a job their tuition gets refunded. Does that answer your question?

I expect them to be returning a lot of money then... I'm sorry but I wouldn't hire someone that has 8 weeks of experience developing for iOS let alone pay them 60k.

Laveur—most folks that make it in have familiarity with some level of code. And if not there are night classes and workshops to get people starting to develop. The average iOS dev in Seattle makes over $90k—so $60k for a functional beginning dev is a highly sought after thing.

I made $120K at my first iOS programming job and I had 0 weeks of experience, so $60K for 8 weeks sounds like a bargain for the employer.

nice to hear that rdouble! how did you get hired, and were you hacking on your own projects/code before that?

Well I was a different sort of programmer before. That is just the going rate for ios programmers in NYC these days, I think. If you've never programmed before $60k is a good rate but even then you can move up in salary really quickly if you're good.

This looks great, I signed up for Javascript and Python looking forward to either one of those.

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