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Google Glass you'd actually wear--or too hipster-y? (fastcompany.com)
4 points by seechaey on July 24, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

I like the idea of 3rd parties designing new looks for google glass. With smart phones, all the customization is in the display, and I guess the case. With glass, all i have is the choices someone else gives me. It would be great if the choices were not just expanded colorwise, but look wise. these glasses aren't necessarily for me, but i think it shines a light on a cool concept of reskinning google glass.

hipster-y? This design was considered hipster-y in 2005, at least in Europe. In today's terms this is pretty basic.

Looks definitive better than the original ones.

Why don't they just partner with Warby Parker?

If that partnership does end up panning out, I wouldn't be surprised if the final design ended up looking something like this.

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