I've had my email address since 1995. I have 5Mb / 6 emails in my Maildir and that's only because I've got lazy recently. I've recieved probably 500,000 emails over the years.
Hoarding email is like recording all your phone conversations and keeping the tapes in your living space. If it's worth keeping, save it elsewhere. If it's not, delete it.
I completely disagree. I've kept every email I've ever received or sent since 1996 (close to a million emails, all searchable/indexed) and it has proved extremely useful over the years to be able to find ancient emails very quickly. I'm sure some large proportion of those emails I will never use, or will never be useful, but space is cheap, and keeping them doesn't hurt at all.
I've had my email address since 1995. I have 5Mb / 6 emails in my Maildir and that's only because I've got lazy recently. I've recieved probably 500,000 emails over the years.
Hoarding email is like recording all your phone conversations and keeping the tapes in your living space. If it's worth keeping, save it elsewhere. If it's not, delete it.