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>Why would any company produce vaccine when there are other profitable things to make?

They wouldn't. But if my gov't is going to give out immunity that benefits a particular industry, then I want my gov't to also demand/subsidize products like Lyme vaccines from that industry.

Are you reading the comments or just pasting text from a form letter? The industry does not have "blanket immunity." There are specific vaccines on the VIT that the CDC has specifically recommended for children (of which the Lyme vaccine is NOT one) and those are the only ones which the company cannot be held liable for. You keep talking about looking at the CDC data, perhaps you should start.

So your entire argument that class actions against Lyme manufacturers don't matter because "the government will pay the fine" is baseless, wrong, and intentionally misleading.

Of course lawsuits against pharmaceutical companies matter. They are pretty much the only corrective feedback protecting people against negligence and/or abuse.

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