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Disclaimer: I work for Infinit. Invitations will start being sent out in the next day or so. Each invitation comes with 3 invites so that you can begin sharing files with your friends. If you need more you can email support AT infinit DT io and we'll increase the number for you.

Might you have some idea of whenabouts Windows support will be arriving? I spend almost all my time with OS X, but some of the project partners are more Windows-based.

We're currently working on Windows. It should be done in a couple of months. In parallel, we're really making sure that the OS X application is solid. It's clear that this could be a constraint, but we'll do everything we can to push something out as soon as possible.

That's very good to hear! Thank you. Certainly, the current OS X offering does look beautifully refined - as simple as it ought to be, for the user, despite all the magic underneath.

Can we get more information on the privacy and encryption aspects of Infinit? I like what you guys are doing but in light of all this NSA/PRISM hullabaloo, I'm becoming really cautious about what online services I use. Are your servers in Paris as well? I don't mean to put you on the spot or anything.

We don't store anything on any server. The data is encrypted locally and transferred directly from one device to another. We may use one of our servers to relay the information because of a failed direct connection between devices, but we don't store anything. Mathematically, Infinit cannot read the contents of the transfer because of the encryption. In addition, we don't store any personal information aside from email addresses and anonymous analytics relating to the file transfers.

It sounds like you guys are doing all the right things. Keep it up and you'll have many paying customers.

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