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Secureness of Brazilian voting system has been contested many times.

There are "The Alagoas case" which the candidate Joao Lyra requested a recount because he found out 1/3 of the ballots contained incorrect data and then asked for an audit, the court demanded 2 million for this audition, Joao Lyra then asked the the court itself to pay for it, since it would be in its interest to demonstrate the fairness of the process, the court refused to pay and even condemned the candidate for "bad faith litigation" for asking for an investigation and not paying for it(despite showing inconsistent ballot data).

It's true, our eletronic ballot prints the report but there is no way to check if the sum of digital records are the same as the printed reports. We have no way to tell if our votes has been correctly collected nor the political parties that the votes were correctly summed, thus impossible to make a recount. In a voting system where you are not sure on whom your vote was recorded and the Election Court goes against political parties that accuse it, IMHO thats a true threat to democracy.

For a safer election it must include a voter-verified paper audit trail, a VVPAT allows voters the possibility to verify that their votes are cast as intended and can serve as an additional barrier to changing or destroying votes.

German and Holland Court already banned this first generation eletronic ballot box for not being secure enough, and Brazil is the only country on the world who still uses it.

> It's true, our eletronic ballot prints the report but there is no way to check if the sum of digital records are the same as the printed reports

Yes, there is: you can check the electronic records online and compare it against the printed reports.

The other allegations are surely important to the voting transparency discussion, but are not related to the allegations on the OP.

The problem is, if you vote for candidate X, there's no way of checking if your vote was really computed or tampered with by the machine. The report will print something like 'candidate X = so many votes', but beyond that you can't know if that number was altered. If you had individual printouts on a ballot along with the electronic vote, you could have the ballot counted, and know. What if some wacko starts claiming he accessed 50 voting machines and altered to switch 20% of votes for cadidate X into votes for candidate Y, as the votes are being cast? How do you check?

This is part of the "other allegations". I'm not discussing them.

The allegation in the OP has nothing to do with this - he says he can change the results AFTER the ballots have printed the results.

There is newer.cases, like a guy that took his family.to vote.for him, and claims he voted.on himself.and still.ended with zero.votes. He sued.TSE but the reply was that he probably typed wrong and confirmed.a.wrong person.

Since there is no per vote paper ballot, it.is.his.word.against the judge word, so guess who win.

What's up with the period instead of a space to separate words?

Issues when I type stuff using a phone...

I mistype dots a lot (it is right next to space) and HN layout on mobile combined with how my phone keyboard works make impossible to see what I am typing (so any typos also go through)

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