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A couple more things I noticed after a short play around:

* It's not obvious how to (or maybe even not possible) to find a list of your published guides.

* It's not obvious how to (or maybe even not possible) to delete your published guides.

* You have to publish your guides right away, I doubt anyone wants to read my first draft.

* Your source code editor does not accept tabs which means everything has to be copied and pasted in. Have you though about using something like ace? https://github.com/blog/905-edit-like-an-ace / https://github.com/ajaxorg/ace

For now deleting and browsing through guides is not yet possible. Obviously both will be added very soon.

We thought about Ace, actually, but we weren't sure yet if people will end up using stps for source code. We will probably look further into this in the future though. Thanks!

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