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Nice job, for me it can't beat a ~/.ssh/config entry though.

I wonder why it's not reading ~/.ssh/config btw, should be doable.

I use ~/.ssh/config and have the following in my .bashrc:


Tab completion for scp/sftp/ssh based on my ~/.ssh/config.

"... it makes it easy to generate a dynamic list of hosts from your hosting provider (if they have an API), so you're always up-to-date."

It should at least provide a mapping from the json to ~/.ssh/config formats.

The Host directive in an ssh_config file supports wildcards.

They said the purpose of using a .json file was so that your configuration could be synced by dropbox or some other cloud service. I would NOT put my .ssh with all my private keys on dropbox.

You could just make ~/.ssh/config a symlink to your config file in your dropbox folder. No need to put private keys on dropbox.


Symlink'ing a ssh config file with Dropbox was the best decision I've made in a long time.

Same config file no matter which PC I am using, and you can always look up the IP/Hostname and which key it uses (don't store keys on dropbox for "critical" systems) through the dropbox web interface.

I agree, this would make a lot more sense...

I agree with you there. I have an app that I've been building that works exactly like Shuttle but reads from ~/.ssh/config and has a front-end for editing as well.

Im such a noob. Thank you for introducing me to this

^ this. Please provide a migration tool.

yah I would love to these feature implemented

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