So I assume Dark Tangent won't attend his own con? Jeff Moss sits on the Homeland Security Advisory Board and is the CSO of ICANN.[1] If that's not "the man", I don't know what is.
Ironically, there is a security issue with that page. The links for each name go to some sort of CMS edit page for each record. It says access denied, but having the URL scheme for editing pages wouldn't be the most useless thing in the world for the type of person interested in editing such know like the type of people that attend Defcon.
I can understand your position with DHS. But CANN is hardly the man. Would you prefer a world where ICANN is unable to find competent security people because working for ICANN is some how associated with evil?
Supporting ICANN is hardly working in the name of "good".
Sure, working with ICANN may not be associated with "evil".
However to those in the know, it is associated with greed under the guise of "service to the public".
Personally, I'd prefer a world where ICANN, namely the centralization and commercialization of domain names to benefit a select few insiders and an array of parasitic sleazebags, gave way to a non-antagonistic naming system harmonized with trademark law and actually run transparently as a public service, for the public benefit.
I have heard exactly zero accusations that ICANN is doing anything to control or manipulate the Internet for the good of the U.S. None of the recent revelations about Prism, tapping cables, etc. have anything to do with ICANN.