2. Obtain facebook levels of information about everything personal (I mean they already have this most likely)
3. More ads, more personalization, more Google+
4. ???
5. Profit
It's almost like they planned it.
And don't get me wrong, I reasonably like Google (at the very least I respect their technical prowess, and at the most think they're pretty hip) -- just really don't know how well they're accomplishing "do no evil"
Latitude was neglected since day one. It never really work reliably. For MONTHS new signups were fubar'd. The API was aways flakey.
The irony is that I hate the surveillance state we now live in yet I wanted to use Latitude desperately. I wanted to give up my privacy and Google didn't seem to care.
1. Funnel every free service to Google+
2. Obtain facebook levels of information about everything personal (I mean they already have this most likely)
3. More ads, more personalization, more Google+
4. ???
5. Profit
It's almost like they planned it.
And don't get me wrong, I reasonably like Google (at the very least I respect their technical prowess, and at the most think they're pretty hip) -- just really don't know how well they're accomplishing "do no evil"