Google+ is a UI disaster. Look at some of the basics. When the browser is fully maximized, my screen can see 8 chats / contacts / "hangouts" / whatever they're called in the sidebar on the right. On my Facebook chat sidebar, I can see 14 contacts. When you refresh a G+ page, the open chats mysteriously disappear. This cuts down on usage, because, for example, each time I go to Facebook, my chats are still open and I can immediately continue from where I left off. Google+ has 3 "toolbars" at the top of each page, taking up an enormous amount of vertical space. Honestly, with the sidebars open, it feels like you're working in a 500px x 500px window. For God's sake, the "About" page doesn't even let you be in a relationship with another member. The "About" page also doesn't allow other users to see your interests, or favorite books / TV / music. Essentially, G+ utterly fails to encapsulate everything Facebook offers in this regards: when you first Facebook friend someone you just met, you immediately get the basic information about their life: where they stand romantically and what things they like.
There are other problems. Tagline? Bragging Rights? Skills? Links? Is G+ a page for socializing or a resume?
I simply cannot fathom why some people in the tech industry think that G+ is in any way a viable competitor to Facebook. Outside of the tech bubble, its usage is nonexistent and unhelpful. It is cluttered with things people don't want, and it lacks some of the basic things people DO want.
I look at G+, and as it happens GMail, and I just see a confusing mess. I have to look at it for a second or two to sort of orientate my self, and let the site sort of focus. I'm sure its the flat design lark we are currently in the middle of. Last time I used facebook (I "deleted" my account a year or so ago) it was far clearer and instantly use-able. Although looking at it now, using one of my kid's profiles, its beginning to get as bad.
I might actually use G+ if it were use-able. I have joined two groups, purely because people migrated there from Usenet, and every time I want to check whats what in these groups I come away wishing I hadn't bothered. Good job the one I most care about is a slow burner.
"There are other problems. Tagline? Bragging Rights? Skills? Links? Is G+ a page for socializing or a resume?"
I think they're aiming to be the social network for hobbyists, not the social network for dating or for employment or for spamming or whatever that other networks focus on.
There are other problems. Tagline? Bragging Rights? Skills? Links? Is G+ a page for socializing or a resume?
I simply cannot fathom why some people in the tech industry think that G+ is in any way a viable competitor to Facebook. Outside of the tech bubble, its usage is nonexistent and unhelpful. It is cluttered with things people don't want, and it lacks some of the basic things people DO want.