Think about the massive hysteria whipped up by people such as yourself prior to knowing the facts. Hysterical claims which, as the day progresses, are being shown as absolute BS. The claim that these countries denied airspace: false. The claim that these airspace denials caused the plane to run out of fuel: false (it apparently had a malfunction that made the pilots unsure of the fuel levels, but planned refueling was the canary islands.) So, what is the next lie up on your plate for today?
<sarcasm> Yes , and the planet earth is in the middle of the universe </sarcasm>
What do you think those countries will say ? ... oh yeah, we force the plane to land and denied it our airspace, unless they allow us to check if Snowden is onboard ! I guess , we shall see this disinformation campaign more and more as time goes...
So who, other than the Bolivians who have a great deal to gain by exaggerating the event, are providing any independent verification of the claims being made? Oh yeah, no one.