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This is a tragedy. We will have a storm of vaporvare jokes now, but 3D Realms was actually one of very few utterly uncompromising game developers. This seems like a massive case of perfectionism run wild, but perfectionism is how you create really great stuff.

Prey was released after 10 years in development, and it is one of the artistically best games I've ever played. We are not talking about desktop software here. Perfection in games is good.

I've actually been looking forward to this game, expecting that it will be completed and be as good as the developers' obvious OCD suggests. 3D Realms' track record doesn't suggest that I was wrong about this judgment, but their bankruptcy does. Now we are in the situation where the best-case scenario is that we get a lame ripoff that breaks the spirit of the original, just like we always feared.

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