Can people really not separate out a factor of 2? There's weirdness in every language. If I started SUDDENLY speaking English with a more uhh... orthogonal grammar, people would maybe get what I was thinking, but also deem me a self-righteous asshole. This is EXACTLY how mathematicians see tau. Math is no more flexible than any other widely spoken language.
Yes, once you have learnt the basics, factoring out a 2 is trivial. But that doesn't make it right to make children that still haven't learnt that wonder "what's the angle of 3/4 turns?". One and half pi? Why? It's 3/4 tau. It should be trivial. There shouldn't need to be any conversion by a factor of 2, especially for people that are starting with that stuff (angles and trigonometry is where lots of kids get lost at maths).