Persistent database connections :). Glad to see the objections finally fall by the wayside.
Still no update for the homely admin app? Would love to have it use bootstrap (or similar) to offload look and feel to those focused on it. One extra thing to do in every Django app is to change the ugly yellow on cyan title bar. I know it is already possible with apps, but then it means one more thing to fix on upgrade.
FWIW, admin2 is under active development and moving forward. I don't know if the intention is to replace the existing admin, but as it's not backwards compatible there will be some effort to upgrade if you've completed any serious customization.
I wish the admin started as an external project and stayed that way (for the sake of getting some love and attention). But of course, then we wouldn't be able to show shiny tutorial videos and people wouldn't get it automagically.
Still no update for the homely admin app? Would love to have it use bootstrap (or similar) to offload look and feel to those focused on it. One extra thing to do in every Django app is to change the ugly yellow on cyan title bar. I know it is already possible with apps, but then it means one more thing to fix on upgrade.