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I see writing software as a strong analogy to writing human languages. Over the next generation or so software will have finished eating the world - just as literacy ate the world starting sometime after 1451 and progressing to around 1870 (printing press to UK universal education).

In that period literacy was a defining difference - it went from an ability that guaranteed a place at the top of society to a skill that got you a job to a skill you could barely exist without.

The same will happen to coding skills. Right now coders rule the labour market - our lines go in different directions to pretty much every other skill category in this recession.

But it will be different for our children and grand children - so the best lesson is to make haste for the upper levels of society - combine social/business skill with coding and build a legacy of the traditional sort for your children to inherit

Ps Buy land north of Toronto would also help

Pls Stay away from "managing" - read V. Rao on new forms of labour and management - very inciteful IMO - basically the VC model will apply internally to large companies and the senior dev model to small distributed teams

Management as we know it now is a legacy of the Industrial Age

I tried googling V Rao and didn't really see a book. Is it a book or an article ? Could you provide a link please ?

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