Maybe there's something wrong with me, but the video moves way too fast for me to process. Of course, making me feel stupid creates negative associations with the product.
One thing that I learned (accidentally) that helps when watching a fast paced Vine video like this, you can click the video to pause it, and again to resume playback (useful for trying to read the buttons that are being clicked, for example). Maybe everyone else already figured that out, ha, but I think GIFs conditioned me to think things like this didn't have pause built in.
I didn't catch it all the first time either; luckily it is 6 seconds long and loops continuously, so you can take as long as you like to dissect it (or go to their site if you want to read about it instead). I think it's an effective way to drive home how fast the process is.
I actually think that's sort of the brilliant part. You end up watching it all 3 or 4 times. 1st time = 70% catch, 2nd time = 90%, 3rd time = 100%, 4th time = just to be sure. Nice way to hammer it into your brain 4 times!