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Silicon Valley's Crown Is Up For Grabs (bbc.co.uk)
10 points by jasonlbaptiste on May 3, 2009 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

Whats with UK reporting today? First the independent kvelling about wolfram like they hotter than sliced bread, http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=591015 (ok they have something but will not be displacing google any time soon - if ever) and now the bbc heralding the end of the valley. seriously?

is anyone doing any fact checking over there? tom siebel, bbc's primary (and only) source proclaiming the passing of the valley, has his own startup - first virtual group - headquartered where? the valley of course! http://www.fvgroup.com/about_us.htm

If you associate Silicon Valley with IT and enterprise, this is more convincing. As it stands, though, there are lots of emerging technologies that are finding their homes in the Bay Area.

I don't see why the maturation and commoditization of the "IT industry" means the downfall of Silicon Valley.

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