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Meet the Robotics Company Apple Just Anointed (theatlantic.com)
5 points by pstuart on June 14, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

My wife works in biotech and the stories I hear about the the physical grunt work puzzles me that virtually none of it is automated.

It doesn't happen because the existing robotics solutions effectively require dedicated personnel which management isn't too keen on.

If we could have smaller, more "mac-like" robotics I would expect them to sell like crazy into markets such as that.

"It doesn't happen because the existing robotics solutions effectively require dedicated personnel which management isn't too keen on."

Spot-on. As it stands now, each robot has to be custom-built for its intended purpose. My dream is to have the robotic equivalent of a PC - a general-purpose, consumer-grade, mass-producible robot, that can be easily configured to perform any tasks.

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